dinsdag, april 12, 2005


I wanted to give GIT a go on the Linux kernel sourcetree, and decided to have a quick look at the performance of the various filesystems available for Linux today. I just tested the ones which were actually usable and drop-dead easy to setup: EXT2, EXT3, ReiserFS, SGI's XFS and IBM's JFS.

The only reason I'm posting this on my blog, is that I wanted to deleted the file I kept this info in and wanted to show it to a few friends who might find it interesting. So, I do not and is not a true benchmark. I just tested one thing, without isolating the to be tested process at all (I was running GNOME at the same time and various other apps). Again, it was just supposed to give me a quick and very rough idea about which filesystem would be fastest for doing lost of extracting of Linus kernel tarballs.


pissaris@nyx:/extra/pissaris$ time tar xjf /home/shared/workshop/linux-2.6.7.tar.bz2
real 0m39.594s
user 0m35.705s
sys 0m2.498s


pissaris@nyx:/extra/pissaris$ time tar xjf /home/shared/workshop/linux-2.6.7.tar.bz2
real 0m48.444s
user 0m36.386s
sys 0m5.674s


pissaris@nyx:/extra/pissaris$ time tar xjf /home/shared/workshop/linux-2.6.7.tar.bz2
real 0m51.189s
user 0m36.353s
sys 0m3.387s


pissaris@nyx:/extra/pissaris$ time tar xjf /home/shared/workshop/linux-2.6.7.tar.bz2
real 0m53.162s
user 0m36.205s
sys 0m2.965s

pissaris@nyx:/extra/pissaris$ time tar xjf /home/shared/workshop/linux-2.6.7.tar.bz2
real 1m20.934s
user 0m36.022s
sys 0m2.652s

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